Friday 25 May 2012

summer. summer. summer.

anyone catch the high school musical reference? anyway its getting warmer in toronto and this weekend was one of the first it felt like summer largely due to the insanely warm weather and the awesome bbq had at my friends. it was also her birthday on friday - complete side note but it meant we all got to go and get our nails done ahhh they're so pretty though they are slowly being ruined by the chlorine :(

today was also a half day as our GY`s were graduating this afternoon... its going to be so weird not seeing them around so me and some friends went to lunch and i lazed at the pool - first burn of the summer has arrived! it`s what i get for not wearing sunscreen. Oh well... it'll turn in to a tan :P

and so here it is the first weekend that felt like summer:

all pictures credit to me and/or my friends


lindsay xx

P.S. I will be trying to update more often!


  1. looks like youve been having lots of fun

  2. Great blog! My name is Maggie and I am 12 years old. I love your blog and I hope that you will check out mine! BTW, I'm following, follow back?

  3. This photos are dope!
